Dearest, friend.
Are we even that? Honestly, I thought we weren't. I thought we were mere acquaintances and the fact that you tried to get to know me made you my friend. But since I'm being honest, you are not a friend. Friends go deeper and get along better. They can tell each other anything without having to lie. Just because you do this or allow you to do that doesn't make us friends. Thus, I am still able to say things without feeling a bit guilty. I am still able to comment on this or that without feeling sorry that it might hurt you. Forgive me if it does but since I feel I am rightly justified, I will continue to do so because that's me the same way that being you annoys the hell out of me.
You might think that it's alright. You might even think that it's okay to be so inconsiderate. It might have been the people you grew up with or the people who passed by your life years back... but just so you know, I am not one of them. I am of the present and it would really help if you would be a little bit more sensitive to others. Your actions, at times - I give you that - make it impossible for me not to say things behind your back. I am truly sorry for this and it really isn't like me but at times I couldn't really help it.
If only you knew how you make other people cringe. I really thought by now you could have gotten the message but it seems like you really are that insensitive. Like that time you were talking about a place no one knew about a time we never shared? You really shouldn't because people don't really care. Fun facts are okay at times but honestly, fun facts about yourself doesn't really work. Give people time to speak and don't take the floor. Living means we are in the business of people and making relationships. Don't make it harder for everyone.
At times, I don't even really know if what you say is true and the pity party doesn't really go well with you. You say you just want to be yourself and that if there's anything that bothers us, we should just tell... well, we can't because you'll throw another pity party and I don't think we'll be able to stand another one.
Dearest friend, everything is not what it seems and I know you know. Please be conscious about it before everybody rips their heads off out of annoyance.
Someone Anxious.