Thursday, November 17, 2011

Clothing Challenge (Inspired by Janey)

I was looking at Janey's blog and I realized that clothing is actually a good topic to talk about. I like to think that every woman has two styles, their personal style and their professional style. Personal can be further divided into two categories: Casual (something that you'd wear on a movie night out with your friends) and Formal (something you'd wear on your cousin's wedding). Professional, of course, is what you'd wear going to work.

Upon reflecting on my views on fashion, I realized that I have very expensive taste. I swear, if I win the lottery one day, here's what I'll spend it on:

Personal Casual: Ralph Lauren
I absolutely love Ralph Lauren and I know that with the price they sell their clothes, it's a sin to think that is is casual clothing. But I have to admit that Polo Ralph Lauren is exactly my style. I love the collar, the insignia and the colors. Here's my dream RL personal casual wardrobe:

On a casual day at the park or in the mall.
Night out with friends.

Lunch date with him.
Dinner out with his parents or my family.
Personal Casual/Formal: Burberry
You know what else I love? Burberry! I absolutely love their coats and I think their style is really amazing. Although I think that if I do get my own Burberry coat, I'll most likely also wear it for professional purposes. I think what I love about Burberry is the edge they give to the traditional look. Yeah, the coat is long, but the leather lining gives it a modern twist. Their coats are also perfect with your little black dress. Here's my dream Burberry wardrobe:

My Casual Coat... For the few times it's cold here.
For those nights out where you want to hide that little black dress.
When you pick up your niece from school posing as the cool aunt.
For your aunt's 60th birthday (aka her 2nd debut).
Personal Formal: Armani Exchange
Growing up with a fashion designer uncle is a blessing. Growing up with a fashion designer uncle addicted to Armani is a curse. My uncle super loves clothes and Armani is just one of his favorite stops. I love the way they make their dresses and if I may say so, I wouldn't mind having the following:

That little black dress.
For my best friend's engagement dinner.
Professional: Marks & Spencer
I admit, I'm a little boyish when it comes to my work clothes. I love tucking in my blouse and putting on a belt. I also love folding my sleeves and if there were cufflinks for women, I'd be wearing them. I don't know why but I love Marks and Spencer's style of clothing when it come to their outfits. Check out the following:

Men aren't the only ones who look good in vests.
Suit anyone?

For now, I can't afford everything I've mentioned above. Maybe one day... some day. So, where do I buy my clothes instead? Where do I actually get my everyday clothes? I go to the same store where my grandmother goes... Meg. I'm not a big fan of their prints but I love their navy blue and black blouses. I usually wear them to work with my slacks (that I bought from a bazaar) then my red coat which I bought from a local department store (Yes, the one in every corner). My collared shirts are old Lacoste shirts from my mother and I wear a jeans which I bought from the same bazaar I bought my slacks. I have my handy dandy black sweater and my red ballet flats. So far, I'm good.

Here's the challenge:

Post photos of your style of clothing according to my categories. What's your take on personal casual? How about your professional? What's the brand you can relate to each category and why? Who knows, maybe you'll finally be less confused about your style and tomorrow morning, you'll wake up knowing exactly what you want to wear.

Open to anyone and everyone who wants!

Someone Anxious

Sources of the Photos:$prod_main$

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sweat and Splurge.

Some days are meant to be long while others were made so that you can splurge. I would often think about how mundane my schedule has become. I used to live without one really (classes aside, I was pretty reckless during my last year in the university). I decided that I should really get myself out there to stop the flat line that is my schedule. Yes to adventure but no to recklessness. I can't afford being reckless anymore.

So far, I think I've done a pretty good job. Last Sunday, I went with my uncle and grandmother to our usual shopping center and shopped until our legs couldn't walk anymore. Then, I went back to the South to meet some old friends. Went home and the next day I went to work.

Tuesday, I met up with him and we had a simple dinner. Despite being annoyed at him for most of the time, I didn't grill him as usual and just decided to listen to what he has to say and "shove" him towards what I think is the right direction. We walked around a bit and I did more shopping.

Yesterday, I was so proud of myself. I've always wanted to cook chili and finally, I decided to just go for it. Went to the supermarket and bought what I could remember from the online article about how to cook chili. My dad loved it (despite his hesitations about my cooking, he ate what was left of it for his midnight snack). My brother loved it (even though he said he didn't want any, he ended up eating half the bowl). I'll be making a batch for Janey, who hurt her ankle. Janey, consider my chili as chicken soup.

Today was more of a sweat day. It wasn't like any other day simply because 'mishaps' happened from the moment I woke up. By the time I was in line in the station, I had to wait an hour and a half for me to get in. Of course, I was late for work and by the time I was doing my morning routine, I was so tired that I felt like going home to take a shower. One good thing today. Had a nice cup of tea (even if I had to go down my building twice simply because I forgot the straws).

Wondering what tomorrow will bring,


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Wish List III

I'm beginning to feel the cool December air and while I was reading Stieg Larsson, I thought about what I really want for Christmas. Then it hit me... I want a Kindle.

Yes. I know it is highly unlikely but for this Christmas, I want the new Kindle Fire. Check out the Yahoo Review.

It would be nice to have a kindle that I could bring so that I don't have to bring my calendar, journal, book of the moment and MP3 player at the same time. At the same time, I don't have to buy a laptop because I can easily browse the web with it. The thing is, it costs $200 (and even if it is cheaper than an iPad) I don't have that much money to splurge and order one. Santa, if your listening, I think I've been a good girl.

-S. Anxious

Monday, November 14, 2011

This made my day.

I was browsing through my Tumblr account when I saw this:

Always - that one word that will always remind me of Severus Snape's character.

Someone Anxious.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I remember the day someone told me about the whole "make a wish when you see 11:11 in your clock."

I went to a lantern lighting event to celebrate the big 11.11.11 so that people can make a wish when they light their lanterns and make them fly away. It was an amazing event and I'm happy I was able to go... I was happy I was able to make a wish.

Wishing is always something I look forward to. My theory is we hope everyday but there are only certain moments in this world where we are given the opportunity to truly wish for something that we feel will come true. It could be the blowing of the birthday candle, a car plate with three same digits on it, a falling star shooting across the dark night or like the lantern lighting festival I went to to commemorate the 11:11 make a wish habit.

I like to think that wishing is the same as having New Year's resolution. When people wish, it should be a statement of how you want to improve to have something or acquire something. Wishing should not be a selfish act (You wish you could have him even if he is happily married) and/or it shouldn't be a testament to how lazy you are (You wish to win the lotto but you never buy your ticket). Wishing, for me at least, is accepting that you want things for yourself to make things better, accepting that some people are able to be better with this or that or accepting you have a few short comings that you feel you need help to change.

I wished as I let go of my lantern and hoped that it will come true as I watched it fly away. My wish was simple, something I think I can truly benefit from if it will come true and something I can have a conscious effort to make it come through. It's okay, fairy godmother. If you can help me out here, I would appreciate it but otherwise, I'm okay. I think you have more important wishes to grant so if you don't really have to waste your time on me.

Wishing to go to bed,
Someone Anxious

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Favorite Things VIII

Despite believing that life is predetermined and that foreshadowing is indeed applicable in real life situations and not just in literature, the universe still tend to amaze us by throwing something positive (and at times, something negative) along our way...

... Yes, for my eighth favorite thing, I love surprises.

I love being surprised, especially positive ones. I love the feeling of somebody going out their way to make me feel shocked and appreciated. No one has ever given me a surprise party but I love throwing one and I think I love being the one giving them out simply because I crave to have somebody give one to me in the future.

Surprises are not just parties, though. It could be some good news that you never expected (like what I found out today) or that one gift you thought he or she would never give you (like when my dad bought my brother underwear for Christmas. It wasn't a surprise for me but hey, it is funny!). Some surprises are negative, like unfortunate news or trying circumstances you never expected. I hate receiving them but I like to think that they make me stronger and for that, I appreciate them.

Hoping to be surprised,
Someone Anxious

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hermit Mode Clarifications.

Okay, I realized that I sort of have to set some rules for myself about this whole Hermit Mode thing. I have the rules in my head but they're all jumbled up... I hope posting them would help me out.

RULE NO. 1 - Rest days.
Yes, I can still go out on Fridays. The thing is, I am to go home and rest on the Saturday so that I 'm able to fix my things, do my laundry and simply relax and not wonder on what time I'll get home or how long it would take to take the jeep.

RULE NO. 2 - Save up.
I am to save up by not over spending on alcohol and other unnecessary things like snacks I don't need and cabs I don't necessarily have to take.

RULE NO. 3 - Learn.
I need to learn on how to spend my time alone. I think the best way would be to go out alone, shop alone and eat alone... things I haven't done in the longest time.

Hopefully, I'll follow these three rules until the end of November. At the end of it all, I simply just want to feel rejuvenated and in control mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. I also would like to think that by the end of this month...

Changing as I type,
Someone Anxious

Hermit Reflection I.

Some people are real while others just believe they are.
I did go out last Friday with my College friends and had a really great time. I haven't seen them in the longest time and it felt really good to connect with them again.Despite everyone having their own thing going on, we talked as if nothing's changed. I think this was because all of us were sincere about knowing what's happening in each other's lives. No pretenses, no wanting to top the other and no trying to be the best. We were all happy to just know and be in contact with one another. I'm glad we weren't the type to loose touch and drift off. I'm also very happy about being their friend. Somewhere in my youth (yes, I am currently thinking of watching Sound of Music) I made the right choice and made connections with these people.

The best part of hanging out with them? I was able to prove to myself that I am able to have a good time without alcohol. I'm so happy that I was able to prove this to myself. I just don't want to go down that path where I'm going to be dependent on alcohol to have a good time and I've already felt like that for the past few months and last Friday was a refreshing change. I'm glad.

7 days down, 23 days more to go to complete my Hermit Mode.

Someone Anxious.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hermit Mode.

I've been thinking of doing this for awhile now and I think this month would be the perfect time to do so. I hope you guys (Holly, Janey and Jackie) understand.

I'll be staying low for the weekends for this month. I want to just rest on my Saturdays and not worry about getting home. As you guys know, I live quite far and I'm a bit worn out every time I commute from my place to the places we go.  I tend to spend my money on jeeps that takes two hours long or cabs that make me not eat when I'm at work. I guess I'm just tired.

I need to do laundry regularly now. I can't keep recycling my clothes, looking pretty stupid at work. If I'm being honest, I don't mind but I'm beginning to get weird stares and I'm not a big fan of that. 

I also want to save money. I can't keep living like this. I tend to spend my whole pay every time I'm out during weekends and this never really happened during my first few months at work when I tend to stay at home most of the time. I need to save up and I think the best way I can is to avoid going out for awhile. I don't have the discipline to just spend this much and I'm tired of feeling like my money's going to run out.

I'll also be thinking a lot this month. I really need to stop running now. It's time to face my fear of being alone and out of touch. I think this will help me cleanse myself mentally.

When I'm ready, I'll tell you guys. But for the meantime, I'll be flying low. My last November hurrah would be be this Friday. I'll be meeting my blockmates but that's that.

I hope you guys understand.

Someone Anxious

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Pirate Alone in the Backseat of the Ship.

I don't mind actually. I had a great time and received the hugs and kisses (thanks to Jackie's mom). I also drank to my hearts content and ate a great ball of cheese. I honestly had fun and wish that Halloween was a week long.

Cheers to a great party!

S. Anxious


...Again and Again 15 year old self 2013 2015 21 21 before 21 22 5 things that never go as planned A letter to my future husband a little feminism accessories addiction Adele adventure adventures Alan Rickman Albert Hammond Jr. Alcohol alone angry another Antipolo apartment apartment hunting Apologies appetite Armani Exchange Awkward. bad habits bar Being Young belle and sebastian Bent Objects bestfriends Bicol birth birthday blackberry blog blood Blues body image bothered brazilian break - up Breakfast brightside bullying Burberry business ventures Cagayan Valley Camarines Sur Camera Obscura Caramoan Care career Carpe Diem castle certified olympian challenge change Changes changing Cheap chicken wings Chinese Food Choosing christmas christmas gifts christmas wish list city civility clean cleaning cleansing trip Clothing Challenge college friend college friends Color comfort zone Concert Confession conquering fear Contingency Plan conversations cool off Corporate Countdown cringe crush crushes cry CSI Cuddle Curves dancing Daniel Date daydreaming dead stars deadline Dear Fool Dear Friend Death decor delay deleting depressing diet dinner Disappointment diskcover displacement DIY DIY Projects dream dreaming dress to impress drinks eat Eat Pray Love effects emotional enough epiphany excel exercise facebook family famous fanfic Fashion father Favorite Things I Favorite Things II Favorite Things III Favorite Things IV Favorite Things V Favorite Things VI Favorite Things VII Favorite Things VIII fear feeling fiction financial First Entry Florence and the Machine Flying Solo food Forgotten Fountains of Wayne free write friday Friend Friendly friends fun Fun. Janelle Monae future gising give Good goodbye grandfather Gratefulness growing up Gym Halloween hands happy Harry Potter hate haters heart heights helpless Hermit Mode Hey Julie high school him Holiday holly home hope hoping Hopless Romantic How I Met Your Mother Hurting husband i know i know i know ideals inspiration Intuition investing investment jackie jaded Janey Japanese Food Jerk List John Mayer kindle fire kiss kisses lanterns leaving lessons letter letter to myself life Life in a Suit like like Lisbeth Salander List little things lonely longing Look lottery Love Love Month low points man-less Marks and Spencer Marriage maturity Meg merge Merry Midnight thoughts missing Monday Motion City Soundtrack mountains move moving out mr. ex Mr. Office MTV music musical Mute negativity neti pot new year night no nostalgia Note November Nueva Vizcaya old flame old flames Old Post one one night stand Open Letter opportunities Options outfit over oxford Pain paranoia party Passion passport pensive people period photography photography and same day edit videos photos pig out Pimp laptop challenge pizza plans play podcast Polo Ralph Lauren Positive post post secret Pray prepare problems Quiet quiz rain random random roadtrip random thoughts rant rants reading recognition relate Remember reminder Reply resolutions restless revamp RIP risk rules sad Sappho Saturday Security Self sense and sensibility sensitive Severus Snape sexist shop short shout out sick side projects signs Silence simple joys sincerity single sister Sleep Sleeping sleepover smile Someone Like You song speed dating splurge Stars staying over Stieg Larsson stood up straight stranger success sunday surprise surprises sweat taken Talk tattoo tegan and sara telephones tenterhooks tests thankful The City The Gaslight Anthem The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the kid the priest the stripper the temper trap things you can't take back thinking thoughts time travel touchscreen tradition travel Trip Trip for Two trx Try Try Something New Tuesday tumblr tv show Two unpredictable update vacation vague Valentine's vivian maier Waiting walking want wasted We wedding weekdays weekend weight loss challenge when harry met sally why Why Don't You and I wishing women Work Work Out work trip work woes Worth wow write writing young youth Yule Ball Yuletide Season zramphotography